Payroll Reconciliation Report


The Payroll Reconciliation Report is used to check whether the Incurred Salaries and Incurred Fringe Benefits accounts can be reversed.



  • Payroll Reconciliation




maestro* > Time Management > Project Time > Accounting > Payroll Reconciliation Report


Generate the report

  1. Select a Committee, the Pay Periods and "Summary" Format.
  2. Click on Accept.
  3. Check whether the Salaries Incurred and Fringe Benefits Incurred accounts balance. When the amounts are subtracted, the result must be 0.


Expense bonuses can be separated in an account (i.e. Expenses Incurred). Account validation also applies.

If vacation has been paid, add the amounts in the Pay and Vacation sections. The result must be equal to the amount in the Project section.

  1. If the accounts do not balance, retrieve the "Detailed" Format from the report, by employee, and identify the source of the error.
  2. Make the correction and generate the report again.


See also

  • Fringe benefit management in project costs